
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Alan Jackson came to town...

and Nate was super excited that they were giving out free T-shirts! We are very lucky because we were given another "hall" pass from grandma and grandpa Ernat! I do have to say we don't go out much but we are offered a lot of hall passes either from granny Ann and Papa Mike or the Ernats. So, we could go out a lot but we really never do- it just seems like lately we have been doing stuff-hah! So, someday when Greyson is reading this he will know that his parents still knew how to have a good time-right?!?!?

Oh, and by the way I like to refer to getting a babysitter as a "hall" pass in case you didn't know what I was talking about-My aunt Amy came up with that one-she always has the perfect one liners-hah!

So, back to the concert....We met up with our friends Camron and Pat and D babe (D's hubby was at a bachelor party -a 4 day bachelor party I might add so she was due for a night out.) The only thing that really bites about a concert is having to pee so bad you are going to piss your pants and having to wait in line for at least a half hour and then have to use the most disgusting thing in the world...A porta(SP?) potty...not fun but it gets the job done I guess! We also saw Auntie Mims there -she looked like she was ready to party. All in all, it was a fun night and Alan Jackson put on a really good show.

This is Nate and his Free T-shirt-I think this made his night-that's Camron in the back with the blue tongue...

Us...and our fish bowls....I was calling them soup bowls-I told you we don't get out much...

I tried to get a pic of the stage...

Camron and Pat

My bestie....Camron

D babe, Auntie Mims, and Camron
My sista... aka...Auntie Mims
The Girls...
Kiss Kiss

Good Times!!!

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