
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Belly up Grey!

Well to say farewell to Aunt Diane we took her down to the Peru Boat Club for some Illinois Valley fried chicken. You know I guess those are the two signature things you can get around here or should I say what the Illinois Valley is known for-fried chicken and alcohol. Wow we are doin' great-huh?!?!? Okay that's for a whole other post someday.

Anywho, Aunt Diane has worked really hard on the new house. She primed the whole "great" room of paneling for Deb and she painted all the registers and helped prime some other rooms. She was a big help and we are so glad she came to visit. As far as my family goes we were all pretty tired. My mom and dad were tired from their night out in Chicago and for me my bed time was fast approaching but I did manage to have a good time at the bar.

For some reason Papa Davey wanted to flatten my "cool" hair that my mommy always does special before we go out anywhere...

Hey can I get a drink?

I'd like to get up on that bar stool if I could...

Already grabbing the coasters...
Hey thanks lady-instead of a drink the bartender gave me some plastic cups to play with...That will do for now... She must of thought I was a pretty cute customer...

Posted by Picasa***Sidenote-I would just like to add that the clothes Greyson is wearing should NOT be for the middle of July. It has been a very weird summer here (for weather) -it is the middle of July and it was in the 60's last night...***

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