Although I don't have any ACTUAL pictures of the painting going on, trust me we have been doing a lot of it. This week Grey and I have been working hard. Both sets of Grey's grandparents are working real hard on their houses. On Wednesday Grey and I helped Granny Deb paint at their new house. We actually got the entryway and two hallways done, so we are making progress. And yesterday Grey and I went to Papa Mike's house and Granny Ann's because they just put on a brand new roof and are now painting their siding. It looks awesome, so we tried to help a bit yesterday.
It helped so much because our cousin Mary stopped by and played with me! I love watching the bigger kids. They can always do the cool "stuff"...
This is "the Riva's" project right's kinda scary having to be so high on that ladder...the top is the color it will soon all be these pretty earth tone colors

Another view

Eating Lunch! Grey you always make everything look so appetizing!

The new face--puffing out those cheeks

Playing with Mary

Eating a wipe and some grass mixed in there

Grey you are gonna get some skinned knees buddy

Let me try that

And I'm on...You can see Papa Mike painting in the back there
Love the food pictures...especially the puffer face! hah! Wow! You are busy with home improvements...are you and Grey for hire?