
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Some Random Thoughts for this cloudy Tuesday...

So, I am becoming very addicted to the whole blogging world and Nate would tell you the same thing. And at this very moment I have a million things going through my mind so why not blog about them....Bear with me here because they are very random so I will just make a list....Relate with me here on some of them...

  • To do the laundry or not to do the laundry and for that matter if I do decide to do the laundry should I fold it or should it just sit there???
  • I really could clean my house a little bit
  • A little bit "bugged" by the fact that the only two things that I have done today was go to the Y and then Grey and I had a starbucks fix
  • Although on the "up" side I am very proud of myself that I ran 4 miles today even though I was huffing and puffing with a beat RED face by the end!
  • My anniversary is fast approaching--like Thurs. and all we know is where we are eating dinner???? And what kind of card am I going to get the hubby and what will I write in it this year???
  • I can't believe my in-laws close on their new house today!!! How exciting!
  • Holy Shit---they have a big house payment for a little bit.....he!he!
  • I wish my kid was sleeping better through the night but I'm not complaining
  • At the moment I am very excited that Granny Deb said she had some dinner for my family tonight because what does that mean---I don't have to cook tonight--so no thought into that today
  • I really wish my credit card payment was not due this Friday either
  • we need a new car--what kind should we get---I need a grocery getter now....the cute little red sporty car has to go according to Nate
  • and I am not that mother at the moment who is letting her kid stand against the book shelf ready to pull everything off the top of it because I am typing this post right now

Remember just a few random thoughts for this Tuesday!!!

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