
Friday, July 31, 2009

Which style (hair, outfit, face) fits Grey best?

So, like I said yesterday I tried the comb over with Grey and I don't think I liked it. I thought it would be fun to see which style you think fits Grey best???
Style A. The comb over

Style B. The moussed hair look (Nevermind the biscuit he was eating)

Style C. The toothy grin

Style D. The cool camo shoes with no clothes on

Yeah so about this picture above....Last night I was going through Grey's shoes because he has so so many that don't fit him anymore (sniff, sniff- he is getting so big) and I needed to see if a couple still fit him and so I opted for a mini photo shoot---the kid has style doesn't he-lol?!?!?

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  1. Oh my! Well they are all pretty cute, but I like the toothy grin...I would say comb-over for serious events and moussed hair for good times! And I'm not so sure about the shoes...they look a little small! They are cracking me up!

  2. I like the curls,too - Suzan

  3. depends....if he's at the house picking up one of my girls - then the comb over. if he's metting them out - then the curls. lol. he'd be super cute in a potato sack!
