
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Target Tuesday...

Okay so I just returned from Target on this cloudy and dreary Tuesday and just put my love bug down for an afternoon snooze. As I was putting away the "nothing" that I bought and still managed to spend $146 to be exact I was a little "bugged" because I cannot stand the fact that I spent that and have nothing to show for it.

However, as I have mentioned in previous posts I do like to watch Oprah in the summer and today was about staying young and what you should be doing. So to add to my "nothing" list I bought a night guard-because I think I am grinding my teeth at night (saw that on Good Morning America) and I bought this oil of olay stuff for my lips. I know I know I did not need that... I was going to buy this exfoliator but I opted not to because it was kinda expensive and I already had enough in my cart. So, this is what I came home with...

Target Tuesday's List
Shampoo and Conditioner
one night guard
Baby formula for Grey
daily women's vitamins
my "lip" stuff
toilet bowl cleaner

And I managed to spend over a hundred dollars and I did make a little teeny tiny pit stop at Starbucks but paid cash for that (Grey and I have a little pool/starbuck stash that we keep in the diaper bag-hah!)

So what should I have learned from this??? Help me out and tell me...
Do I need to become a better bargain shopper?
Do I need to stop going to Target?
Or do I need to stop watching Oprah so much?

None of these sound right to me, but Nate would tell you that I definitely need to become a better bargain shopper!!!

1 comment:

  1. i am no help. but if you ever learn how to shop at target and spend less than $100 each time, please let me know. my last two trips were close to $300 and i have nothing to show for it either. :P
