
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009

Our Christmas Eve this year started with 4:00 mass and then onto Grammy and Papa Ernat's. Yes, we had Christmas Eve at the new house this year! We feel very blessed and lucky because the Riva's and Ernat's have come together on all holidays. We are kinda spoiled, because we don't have to split anything up. It's really really awesome actually! And we also had Adam, Georgia, and Jayne with us....
We enjoyed apps at Grammy Deb's, some drinks, and wonderful family time....I have lots of pics of course and here they all are...

Adam and Georgia...

The Riva men relaxin'

Uncle Just...

Just, Deb, mom

Auntie Amy with Jayne Ann

My family of 3

mom and Adam

the head honchos

The Riva clan of 3

Grandma Joyce and Grandpa Hank with their 2 great grandchildren

with the girls


Grammy Deb feedin' Grey some yummy soup

Enjoyin' that yummy soup

We were trying to spot Santa from up in the attic

Davey thought he saw him

Grey was lookin' too

We were ALL lookin' to spot Santa

Papa Davey feedin' Grey a candy cane with some grasshopper to go with it....

Auntie Kathy with Jayne

Grammy Ann and Grey

The end of the night....Grey was in his PJs and ready for some dessert

Auntie Mims finally made it back from her boyfriend's house (that's why she's not in any pics...hah!) we are not used to this "sharing" thing yet on the holidays

Wanna drink?!?

My mom playin' with my hair....I still love that....don't you?

Christmas Eve 2009...from Grammy Deb and Papa Davey Grey received a cool tent, a trampoline bouncy house, an aquarium (which we are in the process of setting up), and a tube to go sledding in...
I am going to break this up into a couple of it would be too much if I did it all at Christmas Morning and Christmas Day will be coming in the next few days.

All in all Christmas Eve was a great night and Grey was a little angel! We are blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Liking the post, my fav's include...Jayne, Grey's pic where his front teeth are showing PRICELESS, and of course looking for santa, that's awesome. More posts soon, and of course some more of Jayne :-) You can always post more than 1 in a day LOL!!!! Talk to you soon cuz
