Let me start from the beginning. Yesterday we went to Nate's Aunt Diane and Uncle Dick's house where Grey met his cousin Shelle and Kurt and their kids which would be Grey's third cousins (RIGHT?!) Kyle and Miranda. Grey was a champ and went to everybody. Once again it was like he had been there forever. I did have to keep him out of Aunt Dianes living room though because he was being really nosy in there...Den and Meg also joined us! Here are ALL the pics from our day...
When we arrived we opened gifts! Shelle and her family gave Grey some new tubby toys...dinos that squirt...Grey loved them...I got some new Illini gear....Nate got a new sweater...And Aunt Diane and Uncle Dick got Grey this read along Mickey Mouse lap top type thing....We already read it again this morning. It was the first thing he went for when he got up! We loved them...
Den and Grey playing with his new dinos
Then Shelle and Miranda took Grey to the sink to see how these dinos really squirt...
He loved them
Nate, Grey, Shelle, Kyle, and Miranda
This is how Grey looked while he ate Uncle Dick's delicious homemade vegetable soup
Shelle, Miranda, and Meg
Grey kept wanting to go by the fireplace...Aunt Diane kept him in check though
Then, Grey thought Kyle should read the paper

Then when he got done with Kyle he went onto Meg....She was just sitting there relaxing and Grey took her slipper and started to make a mad dash for it...
But, Meg used her "mommy" skills and did get him to return it....She's good and has got skill...lol! (just in case you didn't know Den & Meg are pregnant) We were teasing that Grey will have another "buddy Boy" there next year to show him the ropes!

Okay I think I will go wrestle with daddy now...

Nope now I think I'll go snuggle with Shelle

Or maybe I'll go back to Kyle and see what he's up to?

Hey buddy!?! How about a little pat on the back!

Aunt Diane was good to me....she kept getting me refills on my sippy cup...what a woman!

And now I think I'll go crawl on Uncle Dick for a bit!
ANd now for the real entertainment...We got to see Den and Miranda in thumb wars.....

It was a fun day and it was soooooo good to see everyone! We brought Diane up a special treat too! Grandma Joyce's famous Potica (which for those of you who don't know potica is a Slovenian nut roll)! Hope you like it aunt Diane and a special thanks to all of you for the gifts. We loved them!
And I leave you with one last picture of Dennis playing ninja
But, Meg used her "mommy" skills and did get him to return it....She's good and has got skill...lol! (just in case you didn't know Den & Meg are pregnant) We were teasing that Grey will have another "buddy Boy" there next year to show him the ropes!
Okay I think I will go wrestle with daddy now...
Nope now I think I'll go snuggle with Shelle
Or maybe I'll go back to Kyle and see what he's up to?
Hey buddy!?! How about a little pat on the back!
Aunt Diane was good to me....she kept getting me refills on my sippy cup...what a woman!
And now I think I'll go crawl on Uncle Dick for a bit!
ANd now for the real entertainment...We got to see Den and Miranda in thumb wars.....
NINJA! He is such a good uncle to Miranda and Kyle...I mean who does thumb wars and Ninja all in one day...
It was a fun day and it was soooooo good to see everyone! We brought Diane up a special treat too! Grandma Joyce's famous Potica (which for those of you who don't know potica is a Slovenian nut roll)! Hope you like it aunt Diane and a special thanks to all of you for the gifts. We loved them!
And I leave you with one last picture of Dennis playing ninja
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