
Friday, December 4, 2009

What's in store...

for this Friday's post? Or should I just say what's on my mind?
Okay here goes...
  • wondering what to get my family for Christmas
  • wondering what "Santa" is going to bring for Grey this year
  • not really "feelin" it yet in my classroom this holiday season
  • watched the first slight snowfall yesterday with my 5 year olds/ they thought it was the most amazing thing...(through the eyes of a child) it did look pretty sparkly I must say
  • thinking i hate when i have laundry to fold and dishes to wash
  • i really need a dishwasher
  • wondering what possible "change" could be in store for ME and MY FAMILY
  • loving all the Christmas lights
  • wondering why I blew off my dentist appt the other day (I called and cancelled) I should have just gone though...there are just not enough hours in the day
  • had to be observed in my classroom yesterday and in the middle it started to snow (see above) and all my students literally RAN to the window to look at it...I could not do anything but stand there and smile....luckily my principal did the same LOL -you never know what 16 five year olds are gonna do...we did get back on track though
  • wondering why I can't upload my pics this's making me mad it keeps saying error....ugggghhhhh...because I have the cutest little man in his holiday PJ's that I want to show off...
  • am a little bothered that my little guy's "bottom" is so red...I am calling the doctor this morning...ASAP
  • okay well maybe I will be able to upload my pics later
  • that's all for now

Hope everyone has a great Friday...

Here is a little video of Grey playin' with his dad and then I ask for a kiss and just look at what he does...little stinker to his mommy....and yes you can see me telling the "camera man" to stop the camera...


  1. How funny. I got evaluated on Wednesday - oh my. With the excitement of the holidays and a full moon. Being evaluated during December should be outlawed. But I bet we both nailed it!!! Suzan

  2. Hah! Thanks Suzan! I am SURE you nailed on the other hand I don't!
