
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Just in case you were wondering...

If you come into my kitchen you might see this cookbook out and just in case you were wondering it's NOT mine and it's NOT Grey's!

You might also see this cookbook turned to a certain section called VENISON! Just in case you were wondering I don't eat Venison yet and either does Grey! Nate wants us to try Venison...he says it's delicious. We have not done so quite yet though.
Just in case you were wondering the reason for all this Venison "talk" or deer "talk" is because Nate purchased a deer and had it cut up into different things, such as deer steaks, deer jerkey, deer roasts. He also did NOT tell me until the day of, when one of his co-workers literally dropped off the deer and put it into the back of his truck. Yes we let Grey have a peek at the deer but then Nate had to hurry and get it to the guy that does "all" this type of stuff! I also did not realize it was going to cost almost $300...just in case you were wondering maybe that's why Nate did not tell me until the day of;) He also keeps telling me how healthy it is and organic it is and how lots of people eat Venison. And, while that's all fine and great I just haven't tried it yet! He is trying to make some different meals though, so I guess that will only enhance his cooking skills right?!?

If you come into my family room you might see all of these presents under the tree! I told you I was done! Just in case you were wondering Grey has not touched any of them until NOW!

Just in case you were wondering the majority of these gifts are for Grey!

Just in case you were wondering...Grey has started to pick them up and hand them to me...

Just in case you were wondering he decided to rip one last night and it happened to be Jayne's!

Just in case you were wondering I did make him put it back and he was a good little boy and listened to his mama!

Just in case you were wondering he also likes the curly ribbon;)

Just in case you were wondering, I did happen to notice a certain pink bag under the tree that was never there before...
Just in case you were is a Kelley Cawley bag too for that matter...
Just in case you were wondering I really wanted to peak BUT i didn't
Just in case you were wondering the tag says: TO:Alicia LOVE: Nate

Just in case you were wondering...We are leaving for Chicago in a little bit here and I thought I was not going to be able to post before I left
Just in case you were wondering...I could not sleep so that's what happens;)

1 comment:

  1. Too funny about the venison. Didn't Nate watch Bambi as a child? I can't eat anything that was in Bambi.

    Careful driving to I assume Aunt Diane's. Suzan
