
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Livy's Birthday!

Livy is a little angel who was born in the magical month of December! And now she's the big 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it?!?!? We had a birthday party for the sweetie yesterday at Auntie Amy's house! We had our family and her friend Izzy to join us in the celebrating! Livy got lots of presents, but I do think her two favorite's were the camera from Auntie Ann and her live frogs.

Oh yeah....Nate, Grey and I got her two teeny tiny live frogs....She named them right away...One is Ashley and the other is NED....don't ask people....we just go along with it! lol! Here are lots of pictures from our day with Livy Lou!

My Mr. Cheeser!

The wonderful hostess with the mostess....

We were able to get a live performance of Jingle Bells from Livy and Izzy... Grey thought it was the best thing he had ever seen...

A concert in the kitchen

still goin' strong

Cake time....

Grammy and Grey take 1



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