
Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Wonderland!

It was snowing here a little bit over the weekend so I thought it was a perfect time to bring Grey out to grammy deb's and papa davey's for some winter pictures. So, yesterday when Grey got up from his morning nap at 11:30 we decided to go pick up The Riva folks and take them along as well.....(Nate was bartending at Sidetracks so he was not able to join us)...I needed some pics of Grey with his grandparents and deb and dave were not home and we needed to let the dogs out as well...And of course, Papa Mike then treated us to lunch at the Rootbeer Stand...Grey LOVED the rootbeer and the fries and the hot dog!

It is so pretty out there...

Grey and Mommy


Grey would not keep his hat on

And, of course, I had to get the boat in there for a couple of the pics...

Grey cried when we had to leave because he just loves to be outside even if his nose was bright RED like Rudolph

Today is also the first official day of WINTER and I know this stuff because I'm a teacher who knows all that "weird"calendar stuff because the kids like to know and always ask me(LOL)! So, now all my fellow blogger friends know as well! Have a good Monday everybody!


  1. Good make the snow look good in all the pics! I am missing the sun though. :-)

  2. Thanks you two!!! Molly I got his "gear" at baby gap...I just love that place...especially the sale rack;)
