
Thursday, December 24, 2009

We saw SANTA!

Yesterday we FINALLY took Grey to see Santa. Actually, I was not sure if I was going to or not. I was kinda thinking he would cry but I thought what kind of mom would I be if I did not take him to see Santa. So, he had a nice long nap, full belly from lunch, and was all dressed and ready to go. When we first got there he was just staring Santa up and down, but as soon as Nate set Grey on Santa's lap, the tears started to come as well! I was snapping shots too with my camera. Nate said I wasn't supposed to do that, but I didn't care;)

See I told you the tears started to come!!! It was still cute though!

Then after we saw Santa, we had to take Grey for his 2nd dose of the H1N1 shot. I know, the kid did not want to see Santa and now we had to take him for a shot! This is us waiting in line at the hospital where the clinic was held and Greyson was staring at the old man behind us! He was staring because this old man was taking out his false teeth and making faces at Grey. At first, I didn't believe it, but then I looked and it was really going on. Usually people don't like to flaunt the fact that they have false teeth. It made us laugh and then Greyson was trying to show us his teeth!

We survived both incidents and now we are totally ready for Santa to drop us a little visit!

1 comment:

  1. lol!! love the pics with santa! i'm glad you made it to see him, grey will always appreciate these pictures!
