Our Christmas Morning was really good! Grey woke us up about 7am! We gave him a little glass of milk and then it was into the family room to see what Santa brought us! It was pretty relaxing. We had nowhere we had to be and we could just sit and watch Christmas through the eyes of our child. It was a wonderful feeling!
From "Santa" this year Grey received a guitar, a handy Manny tool set, some instruments - bells, cymbals, shakers, and some new books. His two top presents from 'santa' at our house were the tool set and the guitar! Mommy got a really cool watch from daddy (that's what was in the kelley cawley bag ;)) and daddy got a new bear's jersey from mommy!
This is Grey before we opened the presents....

Santa set out Grey's presents all over the family room

Grey opened the guitar first and loved it...

walkin' with the guitar...

The cool tool set....it sings and talks...

daddy and Grey on Christmas morning

mommy and grey on christmas morning

just love him to bits...

and we had to of course get a pic of all three of us so we set our timer on the camera...
Here's a little video for you of our Christmas Morning!!
I'm cracking up...isn't it funny how they find one or two presents they love and the rest they like for 2 seconds and back to the others. Soph did the same thing and still does. I love how he dances. Too cute Cuz and baby cuz! Glad you had a wonderful christmas with your hubby and baby :-) Love ya