
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Day at the Riva Residence

We spent Christmas Day at the Rivas, while Nate's family headed to Algonquin. It was a very relaxing day. We enjoyed the company of our family, some really good food, and we ended the night with opening gifts at their house. I really am so sad when it is ALL over. Christmas comes and goes so fast every year. We thoroughly enjoyed everything and are so grateful for our family and friends.

From grammy and papa Riva this Christmas, Greyson received a nutcracker to add to his collection (i just love those-I hope Grey appreciates them as much as me someday), some cool new books, a bee bop award winning band set, a basketball hoop and basketball, and a caterpillar tractor with legos. I cannot even begin to tell you about ALL the things Grey got this year. And I know I say this all the time but he is one lucky little boy who is so very loved. And he will know SOON enough just how truly blessed he is.

grammy ann and grey

lookin at SAnta

sneakin' a present

"where" did it go Grey?

Jayne takin' a snooze

The whole Riva clan-take 1

take 2

Grey's awesome caterpillar tractor...he loved it!

Great Grammy Joyce also got Grey a nutcracker for his collection and an outfit and a hammer set toy!
Well I think that finishes up the Christmas only took three days if I can only find room in my house for all of Grey's presents!

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