
Saturday, December 26, 2009

No Lotto Luck on Christmas!

Here's how it went down... Christmas Morning 2009. Grey is sleeping.

Nate: Leesh look in your stocking.
Alicia: Ohhhhhhhhhh what did I get.... Ooooooh. Lotto Tickets!
Nate: Don't you want to scratch and see if we're big winners?
Alicia: Okay here we go....I have an outlet cover in hand and ready to scratch...Nope wait can't keep up with sounds like nails on a chalkboard...Nate you do it!
Nate: I'll just get a butter knife...

Nate got me some lotto tickets this year in my stocking...We were hoping for a big win but NO such LUCK!

Thumbs down=no BIG winner...#2=our big $2 winning....

PS. Aside from all the "gazillion" presents Grey got this year he also received another tooth. Bottom left side next to the two in the middle....We were waitin' on that one!!!

1 comment:

  1. who took your pic?? did you guys set the timer? Too funny. Sorry you didn't win more but hey maybe next time!
