
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Aquarium

Now I know that I could just call this thing a regular ol' fish tank, but I like to call it an aquarium! Besides, that's what the box said, so we'll just go with it.

For those of you who don't know, Grey got this aquarium for Christmas and we have set it all up and it sure looks cool. We put it in our back family room at eye level for Grey to see. We bought some cool anemones for it, some cool plants, and a little "shipwreck" type action if you will. Nate keeps telling me I just like to keep using the word anemone...I keep telling him-haven't you ever seen Nemo??? We have to wait until the water stabilizes and gets to the right temp. before we add our pretty fish.

Here is daddy and Grey setting it all up...

adding the pretty plants... that glow in the dark I might add...

I think he likes it!

I have to admit, at first I thought what is this, but it does look pretty cool in our back room...Now, daddy just has to keep it extra clean ALL the time!

1 comment:

  1. Cool tank that's funny cause I would totally make Craig clean it too!
